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The services we offer are based on 40 years of experience providing support in all aspects of the educational process. The Case Studies below demonstrate the expertise and educational insights represented by our Consultant, Dr. Juanita Coleman-Merritt.

While research studies show that a well-conceived and well organized parent room or center on a school campus increases the level and quality of parent-educator interaction that supports student achievement and positive school climate, District 8 in the Los Angeles Unified School District had no effective strategy for training school staff and parent representatives  so that existing parent centers could develop the necessary skills and resources.

A Comprehensive Plan and commensurate structures to develop parent centers at all 86 schools, staffed by trained personnel with the knowledge base and resources to implement  parent/community programs and activities truly supportive of academic achievement.

The Parent Center Institute. Based on Dr. Coleman-Merritt’s research, she advised District 8 leadership that training is a crucial element in developing effective partnerships with parents. She established the Institute and provided professional development for school site administrators, parent leaders, teachers and Parent Community Representatives using the principles of the National Network of Partnership Schools.

For the past 4 years, District 8 has had on-going professional development serving the needs of district staff and parents who are regularly exposed to strategies, skills and resources that enhance the effective functioning of parent partnership programs at school sites, thus supporting student achievement goals.

Few public schools clearly establish educational expectations for parent partnerships with ALL parents at ALL educational levels. Consequently, parents who are confident and “in the know” support their children and the school, and advocate for their children when there are concerns or problems. However,  the vast majority of parents in inner city schools are unsure of how to help their children and lack confidence in interacting with educators. Many teachers and school administrators have not had adequate preparation to establish expectations and build effective partnerships with parents from diverse backgrounds.

ALL parents at ALL educational levels need a clear understanding of the important role they MUST play if their children are to access the greatest benefit from the educational opportunities available to them.

Courses designed for parents whose children are at Kindergarten, Fifth Grade and Eighth Grade  levels. Upon enrolling a child in these grades, ALL parents are informed that they are expected to take a parent education class that helps them support the transition that their children will be facing as they prepare to move to the next level of education. Most parents are eager for information when their children are involved in transitions. Educators need to take full advantage of these opportunities to engage parents.

Dr. Coleman-Merritt worked with the Central LAUSD Parent Education Unit to design and promote a series of 6-9 hour classes that are currently being taught by Adult Education teachers in all districts of LAUSD. She has worked with a number of individual schools to assist them in obtaining teachers and implementing the classes. Principals are asked to establish an expectation that ALL parents will take Transition Classes, and schedule the classes at varied times in order to accommodate the needs of their parents. 

The LAUSD Board of Education adopted a Discipline Foundation Policy requiring that every school establish and implement a Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support Plan. A number of schools were not provided funding for training and had difficulty initiating  programs to implement the new policy.

Provide school staffs with training and support to facilitate implementation of the Discipline Foundation Policy.

Dr. Coleman-Merritt worked with a the Local District Steering Committee to design and deliver professional development for school site leadership in order to support their efforts to implement school-wide positive behavior support plans. She visited individual schools to assist them in setting up school level collaboratives that included staff and parents in policy implementation.

School staffs that participated in professional development or received individual coaching to take the first steps in Discipline Foundation implementation expressed greater confidence and took specific actions toward setting up their positive behavior support programs.